At ITMB, we are excited to present our first attempt of combining Argentina North and Uruguay on a travel map.
For our map of Argentina North, we have significantly updated the road network. Argentina is aggressively redeveloping the country’s infrastructure, investing in new schools, hospitals, and water supplies, as well as paving hundreds of kilometres of dirt highways annually. No map can be completely up to date as a result, as new segments of newly-paved roadway comes ‘on stream’ weekly; however, we’ve done our best to show off this fast-changing country to good advantage.
Our 4th edition Uruguay map mostly contains minor updates to the layout of the previous edition. We have added an inset of the capital Montevideo as well. Uruguay is still one of the most economically developed countries in South America. And with it also being one of the most liveable and greenest countries, Uruguay makes a great travel destination.
Insets include: Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires Region, Cordoba, Rosario, Montevideo, Punta Del Este, and Colonia Del Sacramento.
We can laminate this map, which will allow you to draw on it in whiteboard marker or apply map dots to locations of interest without permanently marking the map. The lamination also makes the map very durable and protects against tears and stains.
To laminate this map we have taken the folded map and flattened it out before encapsulating it in high-quality 80-micron laminate, so please be aware that there will still be slight fold lines visible.
Scale 1:2,200,000 / 1:800,000
Size 690 x 1000mm