This edition is a considerable improvement on our previous one, benefitting from the extensive research trip we took to the emerald-shaped island shortly before the outbreak of Covid changed the world. We have re-introduced it as a map printed on waterproof paper, as such a format holds up well in a hot, humid climate. We visited all parts of the island and were quite impressed by the number of local hotels and resorts that we found and have added to the map. We were particularly gratified to discover progress on extending the motorway system for the country, much of it now probably delayed due to Covid. The inset map of Colombo is particularly well-done. The second side of the sheet is a very detailed map of the southern third of India, from Nagpur to the southern tip of the country. Space constraints did not allow for inset maps, but several well-known cities are included – Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Pondicherry, Madurai, and Bengaluru (Bangalore) among them. India is a fascinating, if somewhat intimidating, place to visit, but is well-worth the time to do so.
We can laminate this map, which will allow you to draw on it in whiteboard marker or apply map dots to locations of interest without permanently marking the map. The lamination also makes the map very durable and protects against tears and stains.
To laminate this map we have taken the folded map and flattened it out before encapsulating it in high-quality 80-micron laminate, so please be aware that there will still be slight fold lines visible.
Scale 1:450,000 / 1:2,380,000
Size 690mm x 1000mm