The Wollongong Suburban Streets city map by UBD Gregory's is a detailed street map of Wollongong extending north to Helensburgh and south to Kiama. The map shows street level detail and comes with a street and suburbs index for easy location finding.
This is a great map for local businesses of for house hunters as it gives a great sense of what each suburb has to offer, showing as it does, schools, parks, police stations, shopping centres and much more.
The map also Includes towns maps for Nowra & Berry.
We can laminate this map, which will allow you to draw on it in whiteboard marker or apply map dots to locations of interest without permanently marking the map. The lamination also makes the map very durable and protects against tears and stains.
To laminate this map we have taken the folded map and flattened it out before encapsulating it in high-quality 80-micron laminate, so please be aware that there will still be slight fold lines visible.
Scale: 1:25,000
Size: 700 x 1000mm